We received 5.76638400 BTC as rewards.
The BTC rewards were split proportionally to pool members registered for rewards in STX, the default, and for rewards in BTC.
For cycle 98, we used
1.03221882 BTC for BTC distribution and
4.71904049 BTC for STX distribution.
Currently, the wallet contains 1200 sats in dust transactions of 400 sats.
This cycle, the Liquid Stacking service LISA with FAST Pool as part of Lisa’s backend delegated 1,410,000 STX to Fast Pool. Lisa used 3 smart contract as pool members.
The rewards were distributed with the normal distribution flow:
1,489.773082 STX:
3,154.159639 STX:
We encourage pool members to check out the documentation and learn more about liquid stacking at https://docs.lisalab.io/
After 1 week, we consolidated the rewards until then, a total of 2.00151990 BTC. We distributed 0.34126546 BTC to pool members who registered for BTC rewards and 0.10007599 BTC to the Fast Pool reserve (fees for all pool members). The remaining 1.56016225 BTC were swapped to 55,462.637730 STX that were distributed to 769 members.
2.00151990 BTC to proxy:
0.34126546 to btc reward receivers, 0.10007599 to Fast Pool reserve:
0.5 BTC swapped to 18,257.265742 STX:
0.5 BTC swapped to 17,690.911076 STX:
0.56013991 BTC swapped to 19,514.460912 STX:
During the last week of the cycle, we consolidated the rewards of 3.74973942 BTC. We distributed 0.63934240 BTC to pool members who registered for BTC rewards and 0.18748697 BTC to the Fast Pool reserve (fees for all pool members). The remaining 2.92288309 BTC were swapped to X STX that were distributed to 769 members.
2.00076747 BTC to proxy:
1.74897195 BTC to proxy:
0.63934240 to btc reward receivers, 0.18748697 to Fast Pool reserve:
0.5 BTC swapped to 19,549.589765 STX:
0.5 BTC swapped to 19,529.480996 STX:
0.5 BTC swapped to 19,552.411171 STX:
0.5 BTC swapped to 19,474.64692 STX:
0.92274500 BTC swapped to 0.92274500 aBTC:
0.92274500 aBTC swapped to 39,319.816959 STX:
A total of 172,888.583155 STX were distributed to 764 pool members and 5 contracts. The distribution was based on 52,492,772.234729 STX stacked to receive STX rewards.
A total of 0.98060786 BTC were distributed to 1 pool member from the proxy btc address. The distribution was based on 11,482,001 STX stacked to receive BTC rewards.
If all BTC rewards were distributed as STX rewards the total would have been 210,705.349632 STX based on 63,974,773.234729 STX stacked.
This was the third cycle after the Nakamoto hard fork. We run successfully a signer that continously signes Stack blocks. Our signer runs at a good health level. We setup a sBTC signer on testnet and are preparing the sBTC signer for mainnet.
For cycle #98, we transferred 0.28756296 BTC from BTC distribution to the reserve (see above). The total corresponds to 10,537.301576 STX or around 5.0% of the theoretical total STX rewards after converting BTC to STX at the exchange rate of 2729 sats/stx (471904049 sats / 172,888.583155 STX).
The swaps were created using the simpleswap UI as well as XLink. A screenshot of simpleswap is shown below. It includes all swaps but one. The extra swap has simpleswap id "i8tj4gfvtg4qc2pa".