We received 5.34412500 BTC as rewards.
We introduced a distribution flow in BTC on individual requests. The BTC rewards were split proportionally.
For cycle 95, we used
1.16025782 BTC for BTC distribution and
4.17736660 BTC for STX distribution.
Currently, the wallet does not contain any dust transactions.
This cycle, the Liquid Stacking service LISA with FAST Pool as part of Lisa’s backend delegated 1,580,000 STX to Fast Pool. Lisa used 5 smart contract as pool members .
The rewards were distributed with the normal distribution flow:
2,492.058774 STX:
3,169.9930394 STX:
We encourage pool members to check out the documentation and learn more about liquid stacking at https://docs.lisalab.io/
After 1 week, we consolidated the rewards until then, a total of 2.44231457 BTC. We distributed 0.50432178 BTC to pool members who registered for BTC rewards and 0.02654325 BTC to the Fast Pool reserve. The remaining 1.91143864 BTC were swapped to 67,924.467432 STX. Thereof, 65,207.488735 STX were distributed to 742 members.
2.44231457 BTC to proxy:
0.50432178 to btc reward receivers, 0.02654325 to Fast Pool reserve:
0.5 BTC swapped to 17718.23272 STX:
0.5 BTC swapped to 17743.854855 STX:
0.5 BTC swapped to 17792.829728 STX:
0.41141053 BTC swapped to 14669.550129 STX:
During the last week of the cycle, we consolidated the rewards of 2.89530986 in 3 transactions. We distributed 0.59789530 BTC to pool members who registered for BTC rewards and 0.03146817 BTC to the Fast Pool reserve. The remaining 2.26594639 BTC were swapped to 86,396.401035 STX. Thereof, 82,940.544993 STX were distributed to 734 members.
1.44222352 BTC to proxy:
1.43120602 BTC to proxy:
0.02188032 BTC to proxy:
0.59337691 to btc reward receivers, 0.03123036 to Fast Pool reserve:
0.00451839 to btc reward receivers, 0.00023781 to Fast Pool reserve:
0.5 BTC swapped to 18,444.203107 STX:
0.5 BTC swapped to 18,443.182106 STX:
0.5 BTC swapped to 19,652.123579 STX:
0.5 BTC swapped to 19,635.231699 STX:
0.24876831 BTC swapped to 9,567.094345 STX:
0.01711508 BTC swapped to 654.566199 STX:
A total of 148,148.033728 STX were distributed to 734 pool members and 7 contracts. The distribution was based on 41,339,542.193990 STX stacked to receive STX rewards.
A total of 1.10224492 BTC were distributed to 1 pool member from the proxy btc address. The distribution was based on 11,482,001 STX stacked to receive BTC rewards.
If all BTC rewards were distributed as STX rewards the total would have been 189,295.946383 STX based on 52,821,543.193990 STX stacked.
This was the last cycle before the Nakamoto hard fork. We now run successfully a signer that continously mock-signes Stack blocks until the hard fork. Then fast blocks will be signed.
For cycle #95, we transferred 2,716.978697 STX and 3,455.856042 STX from STX distribution and 0.05801142 BTC from BTC distribution to the reserve (see above). That is 8,230.707034 STX or around 4.3% of the theoretical total STX rewards after converting BTC to STX at the exchange rate of 2819 sats/stx (4,17,736,660 sats / 148,148.033728 STX).