We have received 1.306026 BTC as rewards.
This cycle, we started to support the Liquid Stacking service LISA with FAST Pool as part of Lisa’s backend. Lisa used two smart contract as pool members (similar to city coin pool members). Rewards were distributed in a single send-many transaction for Lisa pool members.
We encourage pool members to check out the documenation and learn more about liquid stacking at https://docs.lisalab.io/
There are many dust rewards of 200 sats and 550 sats. We started to ignore these utxos because consolidating them is more expensive then their value. That means that a few sats will rest in the pox reward address. For this cycle, there were 66,200 sats left in the wallet after reward distribution. This is something to keep in mind when doing accounting.
After 1 week, we
consolidated 0.8436128 BTC (0.0051172 BTC fees) to proxy address:
After the cycle, we
consolidated 0.45492728 BTC (0.00249672 BTC fees) to proxy address: https://mempool.space/tx/f6a40ea4e5b409686a154d78b2ce45953b9a61e978cc0d5ac9db8d630c7734d8
After the first consolidation we swapped
0.84 BTC to 16,056.13 STX via aBTC:
a) BTC to swap pool: https://mempool.space/tx/23d824ffb4f764cefee6fcd1fcc9266a1c8b0aed5fcfa1a4302c690412a175ec
b) swap pool to STX: https://explorer.hiro.so/txid/0xecf8f7b1f45331d4e68fbb759bae8227448d56fc2f9c6e8d502ecd12af3e4886?chain=mainnet
After the second consolidation we swapped
0.45846 BTC to 9,513.349 STX via aBTC:
a) BTC to swap pool: https://mempool.space/tx/55d59cb5bd46627f9bbaed51d127f029647b967697358bf05f97d02a69d1cb62
b) swap pool to STX: https://explorer.hiro.so/txid/0xe848306b94174b5f5bec52470ad0db8922fe393eabbac39e77401f4d7fed294d?chain=mainnet
A total of 25,569.478371 STX were distributed to 1448 pool members and 4 contracts. The distribution was based on 46,679,844.666 STX.
This year, the Nakamoto hard fork will bring sBTC. This means that we will replace aBTC with sBTC. The flow will be similar: wrapping to sBTC, then exchanging to STX and distributing.
However, stackers need to do more work eventually, run stacks and a signer node. We are preparing for that and put around 5% of the rewards aside. We started to build up infrastructure and it will allow us to operate Stacks 3.0 signer nodes.
For cycle #81, we did not sent any BTC to the reserve due to the low rewards.
The rewards were wrapped from BTC to STX via aBTC. This worked quite well and fast. It is transparent and minting aBTC happens automagically. You can read more about aBTC at https://docs.alexgo.io/bitcoin-bridge/abtc-a.k.a-alex-btc