We received 1.20943200 BTC stacking rewards.
Rewards were exchanged to 65,139.199900 STX at letsexchange.io at an effective rate of 1856 sats/stx:
btc transfer from pool: https://mempool.space/tx/7c946a7f23efb9b880cb7d8b476e0e8ff5a6d6cc4e184bd3a82c2f59a7ab9b01
stx transfer to pool: https://explorer.hiro.so/txid/0x40a83b21e176a3678bf2d1a5f1656a173b278eca2c0b4cc1e33c3ec0aba1a6cf?chain=mainnet
64,901.035949 STX were distributed to 2 city coin contracts and 1010 pool members.
238.163406 STX were distributed to 17 pool members who did not receive their rewards during cycle #69. The rewards for cycle #70 are used because all other pool members received more than they should have.