
Cycle #69

We received 1.35589400 BTC stacking rewards.

Rewards were exchanged to 65,242.386638 STX at using and alexgo at an effective rate of 2078 sats/stx:

65,242.386158 STX were distributed to 2 city coin contracts and 998 pool members based on a 45,246,259.113913 stacked STX.

Missing 17 Members

17 pool members did not received rewards due to a limitation of the distribution scripts to 1000 pool members. The scripts have been corrected for cycle #70 and onwards.

The distribution should have happened based on 45,412,030.265238 stacked STX. Therefore, the first 1000 pool members (in alphabetic order of the Stacks addressed) received more than they should. They received 0.14449%, and should have received 0.14367%.

The missing distribution to the 17 members of 238.163406 STX was executed at the end of cycle #70 from rewards of that cycle.

Delayed Reward Distribution

When it was time to distribute rewards the backend was down that we use to calculate the shares of each member. It took 2 days until it was back online. Spinning up our own node took ages. Then the price went up (exchange would be ~62k STX), we were discussing whether to use letsexchange or use xBTC. The latter seems to offer a better exchange rate. However, until the wrapping was completed, the price on letsexchange was more beneficial for us. With the sudden increase of Bitcoin price, the price when down again and eventually using xBTC showed a better price than letsexchange. That was the time when we swapped and distributed the ~65k STX.