The total rewards are 1.92135300 BTC.
We converted 1 BTC (fees: 0.001811 BTC) to 0.998 xBTC and then swapped it to 44,673.429295 STX on 7th July 2023.
We wrapped the remaining rewards of 0.91766368 BTC + 0.00185189 BTC fees to 0.915828353 xBTC and then swapped it to 42,687.432522 STX on 11th July 2023.
0.00002643 BTC are missing. Either they were used for previous cycle replace-by-fee or the rewards table has calculated a wrong value. Needs more investigation. For cycle #63, the pox reward address is at 0 BTC and all rewards can be easily accounted for.
87,360.861817 STX have been distributed to 705 pool members (and 2 contracts once the new cycle starts).
This is 0.21% of the stacked STX at a rate of 2199 sats/stx.