We received rewards of 0.92209339 BTC
These were wrapped with network fees of 0.00070921 BTC to
0.91954142 xBTC (= 0.92138418 BTC - 0.2% wrapping fee).
26 pool members received 0.00443631 xBTC
1583 pool members received 68,745.217667 STX
76 Boombox owners at block height 94117 received 265.440929 STX
1 pool member was a contract and received 1.792947 STX (see
https://explorer.stacks.co/txid/0xa239f5b50cc5d14c3cd4950c90f592ad07d582b86e5b63a56ace6e5139ccedef?chain=mainnet )
The theoretical total rewards were 69,347.015082 STX which corresponds to 0.36% of the total stacked STX.