Total rewards 1.01771931 BTC wrapped into 1.01496432 xBTC (1.01699831 converted; 0.00072100 transfer fee; 0.2% wrapping fee)
These were distributed as follows:
25 pool members received 0.00454997 xBTC
1750 pool members received 80,408.970997 STX
76 Boomboxes received 295.050849 STX
The exchange rate was 1252 sats/stx
The theoretical payout in STX was 81,067.437699 STX. That is 0.4% of the total stacked STX.
The rewards where transferred to the payout account in several transactions due to a wrong comma position when calculating the exchange rate and due to a missing boundary for cycle #50 (some members of cycle #51 where included in the calculations. For the STX rewards these were the following transactions: 77,427.633923, 2,968.471593 (fix comma position), 12.865481 (remove #51 members). For Boomboxes: 273.967051, 21.083797 (fix comma position).