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Rewards Cycle #102

Fast Pool

We received 2.14724660 BTC as stacking rewards.

Payout in STX and BTC

The BTC rewards were split proportionally to pool members registered for rewards in STX, the default, and for rewards in BTC. For cycle , we used

Total Rewards

We distributed a total of 152,839.765519 STX to 794 pool members based on a total amount of 41,323,402.203904 stacked STX.

We distributed a total of 0.44036660 BTC to 1 pool member based on 11,482,001.000000 stacked STX.

This corresponds to 192,271.669276 STX rewards or 0.36% of the total 52,805,403.203904 stacked STX.

Consolidation and Swapping

We consolidated rewards address continously and transferred a total of 2.12865701 BTC to the proxy address and miner address.

We distributed 0.44036660 BTC to pool members who registered for BTC rewards in two transactions. For the first transfer, 0.01698778 BTC were taken from the reserve, as we used more BTC for mining than available. Furthermore, the calculations for combined reward distributions of Fast Pool v1 and v2 (aka Multi Pool) were wrong. Therefore, 0,01542161 BTC were taken from the reserve for the second transfer.

The total of 1.72068347 BTC were sent to the miner and converted to STX. We bid for 992 blocks between block 880507 and 882010. We received 152,839.765924 STX as rewards.

Note: Due to the extra BTC spent on mining, the theoretical rewards divided by total stacked STX does not reflect the percentage for STX rewards receivers. Instead the actual rewards for STX reward receivers only should be considered.

Transactions for Fast Pool v1:

Transactions for Fast Pool v2:

Compensation as Stacks Signer after Nakamoto Release (0% reserve)

This cycle, swimming was free for all. No fees were taken.